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PRAISE FOR ANONYMOUS WAS A WOMAN Accessible, inspirational and urgent reading. Feminism, and its intersection across factors from ideas of care to the realities of class and race, is both an important critical lens and a call to activism, and this book’s strength is a range of practical, international case studies that exist both inside and outside of the official sector. Professor Sarah Perks  MIMA School of Art & Design, Teesside University This is an inspiring book! It should be a companion for anyone who is committed to social justice and wishes to imagine and see a change in society for an equitable and better world. It’s a fascinating and scholarly collection of chapters which explores and challenges the status quo. Dr Sarah Williams  Education and Professional Development, University of Huddersfield An activist endeavour, this volume transmits the continuity of a profound commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and representation that has been largely pioneered by women cultural workers everywhere. Jenni Sorkin  Associate Professor, History of Art & Architecture, University of California, Santa Barbara This volume boldly and innovatively provides an excellent resource for feminist practices within conventional and alternative curatorial spaces, and the broad context of human rights and social justice issues. J P Singh  Professor of International Commerce and Policy, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, Fairfax VA, and Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow, Robert Bosch Academy, Berlin Museums and related institutions have an opportunity in this moment to remake themselves to serve communities and fight inequalities even more effectively than they have in the past. The projects and propositions that are documented in this volume provide inspirational stories for the work of righting wrongs and growing inclusivity in museum work, museum programmes and museum audiences. Dr Lara Perry  Deputy Head, School of Humanities, University of Brighton 1

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