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72, 74, 89, 100, 118, 121, 132, 138, 139, 140, 153, 156, 162, 170, 173, 182, 191–2, 203, 209, 227–8, 238, 239, 241, 242, 247, 248, 266 Raphael, Cedric, 15–16, 45, 186, 241 Raphael, Irene, 44–5, 45, 77, 185 Raphael, Paul, 44, 77, 78, 96, 116, 185, 240, 241 Raphael, Sarah, ix–x, 6, 52, 77, 104–7, 116, 118, 121–2, 123, 127, 131, 169, 170, 171, 180, 227, 239, 242–3 Raphael, Stephen (‘Stee’), 27, 28, 35, 52, 77, 121, 153, 179, 227, 247 Raven, Simon, 207 Rayersbach, Andrew, 184–5 Redman, Mandy, 100 Rhodes, Perry, 269 Richman, Stella, 171–2 Robinson, Robert, 81 Rosenblat, Barbara, 212, 217, 223 Rosenthal, Tom, 268–9 Rose, Steven, 117 Roth, Philip, 103–4, 228–30 Rubinstein, Helge, 10, 39, 140–1 Rubinstein, Hilary, 10, 86, 140–1 Ruddock, Joan, 206, 219 Rydell, Mark, 59 Ryle, John, 41, 87, 114 Sarandon, Susan, 218, 223, 224–6, 235–6 Schlesinger, John, 13, 14, 15, 73–8, 100–1, 102–4, 113, 150–1, 159–61, 188–9, 218 Scorsese, Martin, 133, 150 Scruton, Roger, 161, 167, 210–11 Sergeant, Harriet, 169 Sergeant, Jilly, 4, 6 Sergeant, Patrick, 4, 6–7 Shapiro, Bob, 191–2, 259 Sharpe, Geoffrey, 76 Shaw, Roy, 192 Sheridan, Bernard, 80, 99–100 Shivas, Mark, 8 Sinclair, Clive, 161 Skinner, Annie, 192 Smith, Godfrey, 201 Smith, Pat, 212 Smith, Tony, 4–5, 192 Speer, Albert, 19–20 Spielberg, Steven, 187 Stangos, Nikos, 102 St Aubin de Terán, Lisa, 104–8, 115 Steiner, George, 10–11, 17, 19, 50–1, 54, 57, 64–6, 70–1, 79, 80–1, 108, 110–11, 112, 146–7, 172, 236–7, 261–2, 268–9 Steiner, Zara, 10, 17, 65, 109–10 Stone, Carole, 219 Strong, Roy, 128 Sullivan, John, 2–4 Summerskill, John, 215, 271 Summerskill, Mimi, 215, 271 Sykes-Davies, Hugh, 168 Taft, Gene, 92–5, 126–7, 217, 258–9 Thomas, D.M., 129 Tomalin, Claire, 21, 86–7, 114, 172–3 Tomalin, Nick, 250, 256 Tortelier, Paul, 131 Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 260 Tynan, Ken, 21, 47–50 Vidal-Naquet, Pierre, 30–1, 35 Waterhouse, Keith, 226–7 Watt, Ian, 168 Wesker, Arnold, 13, 100, 209, 255, 272 Whitley, John, 67, 208, 211 Wigan, Gareth, 29, 221–2, 242 Wilder, Billy, 214–15 Williams, Keith, 213 Williams, Shirley, 4–6, 12, 27, 42, 47 Wilson, David, 99 Winkler, Irwin, 133, 150 Wiseman, Tom, 72–3, 182–4, 206, 212 Wolper, David, 175–6, 201–2 Wood, Natalie, 28–30, 36 Woodthorpe, Peter, 122 Yglesias, Roy, 89, 228 Zetterling, Mai, 199–200 275
page 287

72, 74, 89, 100, 118, 121, 132, 138, 139, 140, 153, 156, 162, 170, 173, 182, 191–2, 203, 209, 227–8, 238, 239, 241, 242, 247, 248, 266 Raphael, Cedric, 15–16, 45, 186, 241 Raphael, Irene, 44–5, 45, 77, 185 Raphael, Paul, 44, 77, 78, 96, 116,

185, 240, 241 Raphael, Sarah, ix–x, 6, 52, 77,

104–7, 116, 118, 121–2, 123, 127, 131, 169, 170, 171, 180, 227, 239, 242–3 Raphael, Stephen (‘Stee’), 27, 28, 35,

52, 77, 121, 153, 179, 227, 247 Raven, Simon, 207 Rayersbach, Andrew, 184–5 Redman, Mandy, 100 Rhodes, Perry, 269 Richman, Stella, 171–2 Robinson, Robert, 81 Rosenblat, Barbara, 212, 217, 223 Rosenthal, Tom, 268–9 Rose, Steven, 117 Roth, Philip, 103–4, 228–30 Rubinstein, Helge, 10, 39, 140–1 Rubinstein, Hilary, 10, 86, 140–1 Ruddock, Joan, 206, 219 Rydell, Mark, 59 Ryle, John, 41, 87, 114 Sarandon, Susan, 218, 223, 224–6,

235–6 Schlesinger, John, 13, 14, 15, 73–8,

100–1, 102–4, 113, 150–1, 159–61, 188–9, 218 Scorsese, Martin, 133, 150 Scruton, Roger, 161, 167, 210–11 Sergeant, Harriet, 169 Sergeant, Jilly, 4, 6 Sergeant, Patrick, 4, 6–7 Shapiro, Bob, 191–2, 259 Sharpe, Geoffrey, 76 Shaw, Roy, 192 Sheridan, Bernard, 80, 99–100 Shivas, Mark, 8 Sinclair, Clive, 161 Skinner, Annie, 192 Smith, Godfrey, 201 Smith, Pat, 212

Smith, Tony, 4–5, 192 Speer, Albert, 19–20 Spielberg, Steven, 187 Stangos, Nikos, 102 St Aubin de Terán, Lisa, 104–8, 115 Steiner, George, 10–11, 17, 19, 50–1,

54, 57, 64–6, 70–1, 79, 80–1, 108, 110–11, 112, 146–7, 172, 236–7, 261–2, 268–9 Steiner, Zara, 10, 17, 65, 109–10 Stone, Carole, 219 Strong, Roy, 128 Sullivan, John, 2–4 Summerskill, John, 215, 271 Summerskill, Mimi, 215, 271 Sykes-Davies, Hugh, 168 Taft, Gene, 92–5, 126–7, 217, 258–9 Thomas, D.M., 129 Tomalin, Claire, 21, 86–7, 114,

172–3 Tomalin, Nick, 250, 256 Tortelier, Paul, 131 Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 260 Tynan, Ken, 21, 47–50 Vidal-Naquet, Pierre, 30–1, 35 Waterhouse, Keith, 226–7 Watt, Ian, 168 Wesker, Arnold, 13, 100, 209, 255,

272 Whitley, John, 67, 208, 211 Wigan, Gareth, 29, 221–2, 242 Wilder, Billy, 214–15 Williams, Keith, 213 Williams, Shirley, 4–6, 12, 27, 42, 47 Wilson, David, 99 Winkler, Irwin, 133, 150 Wiseman, Tom, 72–3, 182–4, 206,

212 Wolper, David, 175–6, 201–2 Wood, Natalie, 28–30, 36 Woodthorpe, Peter, 122 Yglesias, Roy, 89, 228 Zetterling, Mai, 199–200


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