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Index Acton, Sir Harold, 138 Alvarez, Al, 197 Amis, Kingsley, 231–3 Amis, Martin, 229, 254 Atkins, Robert, 192 Attenborough, Sir Richard, 192–3 Auden, W.H., 232 Ayrton, Elisabeth, 161, 162–5 Ayrton, Michael, 79, 114, 162–7 Bachardy, Don, 188 Baker, Richard, 81 Bakewell, Joan, 129, 156 Bambrough, Renford, 119–20, 167–9, 210 Bannen, Ian, 120 Barker, A.L., 236 Baron, Stanley, 139, 209 Beatty, Warren, 92, 126–7 Becher, Anne, 222–3 Begelman, David, 189–91 Benson, Graham, 99–100 Berg, John, 192 Birley, Robert, 138 Bisset, Jacqueline, 103 Black, Davina, 96 Boyd, William, 234–5 Bradley, Heather, 197 Brien, Alan, 133, 146 Broke, Richard, 134 Burgess, Anthony, 21–2, 87, 112, 143 Burton, Humphrey, 20–1 Byatt, Antonia, 96–7 Cairns, David, 67 Cameron, James, 114 Carey, John, 33 Carné, Marcel, 193 Cellan Jones, Jim, 114–15, 147, 151, 193, 212–13, 217, 223, 268 Childers, Michael, 74–5, 188 Christie, Julie, 135–6, 189 Church, Tony, 101 Coles, Terry, 213 Connolly, Cyril, 209 Cooper, Gary, 149 Cottrell, Bryce, 55 Davis, Gerry, 1–2 de Bono, Edward, 128 Dennen, Barry, 226 Donen, Stanley, 60, 187, 254 Donner, Clive, 192 Donoghue, Denis, 128–9 Dreyfuss, Richard, 126 Durrell, Gerald, 83 Durrell, Lawrence, 252 Enrico, Robert, 187 Eskin, Sam, 123–4 Evans, Bob, 217, 218 Evans, Harry, 249–50 Everett, Rupert, 225 Fairley, Peter, 143–4 Falk, Josephine, 130 Faulds, Andrew, 204 Feasey, Dan, 157–8 Feaver, Vicky, 130 Fielding, Fenella, 213 Finlaison, Bruce, 203–4, 207 Forbes, Bryan, 120–1 Fowles, John, 179–80 Frankel, Cyril, 149 Fraser, Antonia, 131, 156 Frayn, Michael, 8–9, 86–7, 173 Fry, Alan, 130 Gampell, Michael, 214 Gampell, Sidney, 214 Gascoigne, Bamber, 161–2, 209 Gethers, Peter, 243 Gilbert, Martin, 50–1 Godunov, Alexander, 103, 104 273

Index Acton, Sir Harold, 138 Alvarez, Al, 197 Amis, Kingsley, 231–3 Amis, Martin, 229, 254 Atkins, Robert, 192 Attenborough, Sir Richard, 192–3 Auden, W.H., 232 Ayrton, Elisabeth, 161, 162–5 Ayrton, Michael, 79, 114, 162–7 Bachardy, Don, 188 Baker, Richard, 81 Bakewell, Joan, 129, 156 Bambrough, Renford, 119–20,

167–9, 210 Bannen, Ian, 120 Barker, A.L., 236 Baron, Stanley, 139, 209 Beatty, Warren, 92, 126–7 Becher, Anne, 222–3 Begelman, David, 189–91 Benson, Graham, 99–100 Berg, John, 192 Birley, Robert, 138 Bisset, Jacqueline, 103 Black, Davina, 96 Boyd, William, 234–5 Bradley, Heather, 197 Brien, Alan, 133, 146 Broke, Richard, 134 Burgess, Anthony, 21–2, 87, 112, 143 Burton, Humphrey, 20–1 Byatt, Antonia, 96–7 Cairns, David, 67 Cameron, James, 114 Carey, John, 33 Carné, Marcel, 193 Cellan Jones, Jim, 114–15, 147, 151,

193, 212–13, 217, 223, 268 Childers, Michael, 74–5, 188 Christie, Julie, 135–6, 189

Church, Tony, 101 Coles, Terry, 213 Connolly, Cyril, 209 Cooper, Gary, 149 Cottrell, Bryce, 55 Davis, Gerry, 1–2 de Bono, Edward, 128 Dennen, Barry, 226 Donen, Stanley, 60, 187, 254 Donner, Clive, 192 Donoghue, Denis, 128–9 Dreyfuss, Richard, 126 Durrell, Gerald, 83 Durrell, Lawrence, 252 Enrico, Robert, 187 Eskin, Sam, 123–4 Evans, Bob, 217, 218 Evans, Harry, 249–50 Everett, Rupert, 225 Fairley, Peter, 143–4 Falk, Josephine, 130 Faulds, Andrew, 204 Feasey, Dan, 157–8 Feaver, Vicky, 130 Fielding, Fenella, 213 Finlaison, Bruce, 203–4, 207 Forbes, Bryan, 120–1 Fowles, John, 179–80 Frankel, Cyril, 149 Fraser, Antonia, 131, 156 Frayn, Michael, 8–9, 86–7, 173 Fry, Alan, 130 Gampell, Michael, 214 Gampell, Sidney, 214 Gascoigne, Bamber, 161–2, 209 Gethers, Peter, 243 Gilbert, Martin, 50–1 Godunov, Alexander, 103, 104


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