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Index Adams, William Y. 19–20 advocacy anthropology 150 Africa and human evolution 45 age and society 102 alliance theory 91–4 alterity 106 American Anthropological Association (AAA) 145–6 American Indians 16, 42, 145–6 see also “Indianology” animal behaviour 45 animism 114 anthropological linguistics see linguistics anthropologists, as husband and wife 160–1 anthropology branches of study 40 origins 10 problem with 6–9 call for reform 149–50 as a science 143–4 trends in 21 what is it? 3–7 anti-capitalist anthropology 108 applied anthropology 135 archaeology 47 Ardener, Edwin 162 Arens, William 15 Arnold, Tim 9 art, anthropology of 132–3 Asad, Talal 23 Bachofen, J.J. 27 Barnard, Alan 11 Barth, Fredrik 105 Bateson, Gregory 129 behaviour-determining genes 45 belief, debate on 120 bilateral descent 87 binary opposition 126 Boas, Franz 4, 55, 57, 124 Bohannan, Laura 161 Bohannan, Paul 111 cannibals 15 capitalism 108 see also Marxism cargo cults 116 Catholic Church 16 Centre–Periphery 108 Chagnon, Napoleon 165–9 Chiefly societies 98 Chomsky, Noam 48 class 104 classification, studying 43 classificatory kinship 84 Clifford, James 157 cognatic 87 cognitive anthropology 130 colonialism 23, 107 complex structures 92 communitas 128 conflict, resolving 112 contradiction in an economy 74 Cook, Captain 147 see also Hawaiian natives creationism 34 see also monogenesis cultivators 61 cultural anthropology 49, 50 relativity 120 culture, politics of 109 custom 110 D’Andrade, Roy Darwin, Charles 27 Deloria, Vine, Jr 145–6 dependency 108 descent theory 86 development anthropology 136 diachronic approach 103 dialectical imperialism 21 diffusionism 34–5 disputes, resolving 112 domesticity 80 double descent 87 Douglas, Mary 70 Dumont, Louis 105 Durkheim, Emile 117 ecological anthropology 64 ecology 43 economic anthropology 65–75 elementary structures 92–3 emic/etic 130 Enlightenment, the 31 environment of evolutionary adaptation (EEA) 45 ethical concerns 24 ethnicity 105 ethnographic film 134 monograph 137–9 parallel 47 ethnography 52–8 Evans-Pritchard, E.E. 119, 143–4 evolutionism 31 exchange rituals 65–70 family 77 and primitive society 46 and society 27 see also kinship father biological/social 83 descent from 86 female infanticide 28 feminist anthropology 28, 80, 162–32 Ferguson, Adam 31 fetishism 114 fictive kinship 85 fieldwork 58 Fierce People theory 169 film 134–5 fishing 60 formalism 71 Fox, Robin 81 Frank, André Gunder 108 Frazer, Sir James 30 Freeman, Derek 152–3 Frobenius, Leo 35 functionalism 103 religion 117 Geertz, Clifford 130–1, 158 Gellner, Ernest 22, 158 genetics 43–6 German idealism 19 Gluckman, Max 102 god, white man as 147–8 godparents 85 Graebner, Fritz 35 Harris, Marvin 12–14 Hawaiian natives 147–8 herders 61 Hoebel, E. Adamson 111 Hodgen, Margaret 14–15 horticulturalists 61 household unit, the 76, 80 human rights 16–17 hunters and gatherers 60, 62–3 Hymes, Dell 7, 149–50 175


Adams, William Y. 19–20 advocacy anthropology 150 Africa and human evolution

45 age and society 102 alliance theory 91–4 alterity 106 American Anthropological

Association (AAA) 145–6 American Indians 16, 42,

145–6 see also “Indianology” animal behaviour 45 animism 114 anthropological linguistics see linguistics anthropologists, as husband and wife 160–1 anthropology branches of study 40 origins 10 problem with 6–9 call for reform 149–50 as a science 143–4 trends in 21 what is it? 3–7 anti-capitalist anthropology

108 applied anthropology 135 archaeology 47 Ardener, Edwin 162 Arens, William 15 Arnold, Tim 9 art, anthropology of 132–3 Asad, Talal 23

Bachofen, J.J. 27 Barnard, Alan 11 Barth, Fredrik 105 Bateson, Gregory 129 behaviour-determining genes 45 belief, debate on 120 bilateral descent 87 binary opposition 126 Boas, Franz 4, 55, 57, 124 Bohannan, Laura 161 Bohannan, Paul 111

cannibals 15 capitalism 108

see also Marxism cargo cults 116 Catholic Church 16

Centre–Periphery 108 Chagnon, Napoleon 165–9 Chiefly societies 98 Chomsky, Noam 48 class 104 classification, studying 43 classificatory kinship 84 Clifford, James 157 cognatic 87 cognitive anthropology 130 colonialism 23, 107 complex structures 92 communitas 128 conflict, resolving 112 contradiction in an economy

74 Cook, Captain 147

see also Hawaiian natives creationism 34

see also monogenesis cultivators 61 cultural anthropology 49, 50 relativity 120 culture, politics of 109 custom 110

D’Andrade, Roy Darwin, Charles 27 Deloria, Vine, Jr 145–6 dependency 108 descent theory 86 development anthropology

136 diachronic approach 103 dialectical imperialism 21 diffusionism 34–5 disputes, resolving 112 domesticity 80 double descent 87 Douglas, Mary 70 Dumont, Louis 105 Durkheim, Emile 117

ecological anthropology 64 ecology 43 economic anthropology

65–75 elementary structures 92–3 emic/etic 130 Enlightenment, the 31 environment of evolutionary adaptation (EEA) 45 ethical concerns 24 ethnicity 105

ethnographic film 134 monograph 137–9 parallel 47 ethnography 52–8 Evans-Pritchard, E.E. 119,

143–4 evolutionism 31 exchange rituals 65–70

family 77

and primitive society 46 and society 27 see also kinship father biological/social 83 descent from 86 female infanticide 28 feminist anthropology 28,

80, 162–32 Ferguson, Adam 31 fetishism 114 fictive kinship 85 fieldwork 58 Fierce People theory 169 film 134–5 fishing 60 formalism 71 Fox, Robin 81 Frank, André Gunder 108 Frazer, Sir James 30 Freeman, Derek 152–3 Frobenius, Leo 35 functionalism 103

religion 117

Geertz, Clifford 130–1, 158 Gellner, Ernest 22, 158 genetics 43–6 German idealism 19 Gluckman, Max 102 god, white man as 147–8 godparents 85 Graebner, Fritz 35

Harris, Marvin 12–14 Hawaiian natives 147–8 herders 61 Hoebel, E. Adamson 111 Hodgen, Margaret 14–15 horticulturalists 61 household unit, the 76, 80 human rights 16–17 hunters and gatherers 60,

62–3 Hymes, Dell 7, 149–50


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