Being Philosophical An Introduction to Philosophy and Its Methods STEPHEN HETHERINGTON University of New South Wales ‘Stephen Hetherington has drawn on his broad excellence as philosopher and editor to compose a distinctive introduction to the vast, variegated world of philosophy. He guides us around that world with snippet visits to his more than eighty ports of call. It is his evident intention to glory in the vast geographical breadth and historical length of the discipline. And he succeeds delightfully in that attempt.’ Ernest Sosa, Rutgers University ‘A unique and exciting introduction, offering an expansive, cosmopolitan picture of philosophy and covering a diversity of philosophical traditions, historical periods, and voices. The vision of philosophy as a thriving conversation in which all humanity can participate is inspiring and invigorating.’ Dave Ward, University of Edinburgh This book guides readers through the perplexing initial moments of meeting philosophy by taking them inside philosophical thinking as an activity. Hetherington elucidates how intellectual ‘tools’ from a diversity of traditions can enable us to start doing philosophy – that is, to think ‘from scratch’ in a philosophical way. 216 x 138mm • 304 pages • UK April 2024, US July 2024 HB • 978-1-5095-5457-7 • £55.00 / $69.95 / €67.90 PB • 978-1-5095-5458-4 • £17.99 / $24.95 / €21.90 ebook available
Edmund Burke ROSS CARROLL Dublin City University ‘This is a deft and exciting book – the best short scholarly account of Burke, written with clarity and authority. Burke remains one of the few great philosopher-statesmen of modern history, and Ross Carroll offers an original, compelling and judicious analysis of his thought.’ Richard Bourke, University of Cambridge ‘Ross Carroll has written a nuanced and learned study of Burke’s intellectual and political life, which is the best introduction to Burke’s political theory and the starting point for any student interested in his politics.’ Max Skjönsberg, University of Florida Edmund Burke has been praised as a prophet who spied the terror latent in revolutionary or democratic ideologies, and condemned as defender of social hierarchy and outmoded political institutions. Carroll tempers these judgments by situating Burke’s arguments in relation to the political controversies of his day. Series: Classic Thinkers 229 x 152mm • 240 pages • UK May 2024, US August 2024 HB • 978-1-5095-3864-5 • £55.00 / $69.95 / €67.90 PB • 978-1-5095-3865-2 • £17.99 / $24.95 / €21.90 ebook available For more Classic Thinkers titles, see page 27 and backlist.
Utilitarianism as a Way of Life Re-envisioning Planetary Happiness BART SCHULTZ University of Chicago ‘In this brilliant, engaging, and perceptive book, Bart Schultz breathes new life into the utilitarian project, illuminating its potential as a source of inspiration for living well in the modern world. A tour de force.’ Roger Crisp, University of Oxford Utilitarianism – a commitment to ‘the greatest happiness for the greatest number’ – has been the target of endless opposition. Bart Schultz argues that utilitarian philosophy must be decolonized and reimagined for the current moment: a time of new and looming existential threats, in a world desperate for social change. Where dominant approaches have failed to deal with the enormous challenges we face, utilitarianism may hold out hope of addressing them. Drawing on alternatives to the well-known Eurocentric story of utilitarianism and incorporating the works of major philosophers, Schultz crafts a groundbreaking new framework of utilitarianism. 229 x 152mm • 250 pages • UK September 2024, US November 2024 HB • 978-1-5095-5226-9 • £55.00 / $69.95 / €67.90 PB • 978-1-5095-5227-6 • £17.99 / $24.95 / €21.90 ebook available
G. A. Cohen Liberty, Justice and Equality CHRISTINE SYPNOWICH Queen’s University, Canada ‘Christine Sypnowich’s impressively wellinformed presentation of Jerry Cohen’s exceptional personality and her insightful critical discussion of all key aspects of his work will make readers understand why his unusual combination of radical political views and meticulous prose keeps inspiring so many young philosophers, and not only them.’ Philippe Van Parijs, University of Louvain ‘This is a splendid manuscript that explores different facets of the remarkable contributions to philosophy and politics of G. A. Cohen. The chapters are well-conceived and the overall structure is excellent. Readers are provided with facets of Cohen’s life that are interesting in themselves, but which also illuminate some of the motivations underlying his work in different areas. Sypnowich has an impressive command of Cohen’s work, and she does an excellent job of situating his work in relation to that of other theorists and schools of thought. Accessible, readable, and informative.’ Colin Macleod, University of Victoria G. A. Cohen was one of the towering political philosophers of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. His intellectual career was unusually wide-ranging, and he was celebrated internationally not only for his penetrating ideas, but for his highly original method. Sypnowich guides readers through the rich body of Cohen’s work. Series: Key Contemporary Thinkers 229 x 152mm • 256 pages • UK June 2024, US September 2024 HB • 978-1-5095-2993-3 • £55.00 / $69.95 / €67.90 PB • 978-1-5095-2994-0 • £17.99 / $24.95 / €21.90 ebook available For more Key Contemporary Thinkers titles, see pages 7, 27 and backlist.